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Siren at Naves Matadero

Updated: Nov 15, 2018

Photo by: Ximena y Sergio

This portrait of me was taken by photographers Ximena y Sergio as part of an exhibition of photographs of artists who had presented work in Naves Matadero, Madrid.

I had set up my automatic version of Siren in their main space and quite frankly I was totally exhausted. I was preparing for a live performance of the work with break dancers Miguel Ballarín, Elihú Vázquez, Miguel Mateos, Ventura Díaz and Xak. I had a limited amount of energy left. Ximena y Sergio were great, taking great care over creating a series of images of me in and amongst my installation. However, I have no memory of them taking this image. When I first saw it I was slightly shocked by the sight of an old man sitting at a harmonium. The more I see it now I appreciate it as a rather amazing photo, painterly in a slightly El Greco way….


Naves Matadero te invita a la apertura de la temporada 2017-2018 que comenzamos este viernes con la inauguración de la exposicion 10y11 de los fotógrafos Ximena y Sergio, y el mural Los otros del artista visual Moisés Mahiques.

Los artistas que han pasado por Naves Matadero durante la pasada temporada son los protagonistas de las fotografías con las que Ximena Garrigues y Sergio Moya han invadido la Nave 10. Por su parte, Moisés Mahiques ha intervenido el vestíbulo de la Nave 11 para que el espectador se encuentre con los diferentes, Los otros.


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